„Jeden Tag ist Ostern für dich.“ – Dr. Beckmann, Children’s Clinic, Heilbronn, Germany

These are the words that have accompagnied me ever since I was released from the medical care of the Children’s Clinic of Heilbronn. That was somewhere around 1983. I was 17. Should there be any medical problem with TS, I now needed to turn to a neurologist.

I was not ready for the Adult world. Not for a long time. I enjoyed the regular visits at the Children’s Clinic that had become part of my life for 15 years. However, my Odyssey had already begun.

My parents never let me down though. Thank God. They could only give me what they could give. Like so many others, I focused on what I didn’t receive. I needed to find my own way, find my way of picking up my mat and walk. “Take the long way home” by Supertramp used to be one of my favorite songs. Don’t remember how many times I listened to the first line of this beautiful song without understanding what the rest meant. I simply loved the voice of the singer, got carried away by the music while riding my bike.

For many years I did not feel so lucky. The meaning of Easter in the context I live? I didn’t have a clue. It is only recently that I have come to understand how lucky I am.